
読解練習:Google App Engine Python SDK Release Notes 1.7.2

GAE/P SDKのリリースノート1.7.2が出てますね。



Version 1.7.2 - September 18, 2012

  • Paid applications can now upload Static files and Code > 1GB. Additional storage will be billed at $0.13/GB per month. Free applications will continue to be provided 1GB of storage at no charge. Free quota will apply per application.
  • PyCrypto 2.6 is now a GA feature for Python 2.7
    PyCrypto 2.6はPython2.7のGoogleAppengineのfeatureです。
  • The Conversion API will be decommissioned soon. Developers using this API will receive a warning message. Please find an alternative document conversion/OCR service.
    Conversion APIは、まもなく廃止になります。このAPIを使用する開発者は、警告メッセージが表示されます。代替の文書変換/ OCRのサービスを見つけてください。
  • You can now fetch Task Queue Statistics. This allows you to fetch statistics and information about your task queue from within your application. Statistics include information such as the number of tasks in a queue, how many tasks were executed in the last minute and enforced rate. This is an experimental feature.
  • Added Timezone selection widget in Admin Console Admin Logs.
  • Added a warning message about caching when modifying or deleting datastore entities.
  • Added a flush cache button to dev_appserver and Admin Console.
    キャッシュの初期化のボタンがdev_appserver と アドミンコンソールに加わりました。
  • Attempting to update multiple entity groups in a single transaction in Datastore now throws an error suggesting to use XG transactions.
  • Search API now has a string maximum length limit of 2000 characters.
    Search API の 最大長 が 2000文字になりました。
  • We now allow a user with multiple google accounts the ability to create an app if they are an SMS verified user.
  • A more useful error message now displays when a deployment fails due to local date/time settings being improperly set.
  • Cron Descriptions may now include non-ASCII characters.
  • App Config Service Delete App Version Call Count quota raised to 10,000/day.
    App Config Service Delete App Version Call Countのクォータが10,000/日に引き上げられました。
  • Queries with transactions are now supported in Remote API.
  • There are now more descriptive error messages for Datastore Admin deadline exceeded errors in stack trace.
    Detastore Adminのスタックとレースに収まらないエラーがわかりやすく表示されるようになりました。
  • Replaced error code “Administrators cannot be removed right now” with a more descriptive message.
    エラーコード“Administrators cannot be removed right now”(管理者は、たった今削除することができません) は、よりわかりやすいメッセージに置き換えられました。
  • Fixed an issue with namespace dropdown in Admin Console appearing blank even though the URL specified namespace is correct.
    URLに指定された名前空間が正しくても、Admin Console にブランクのドロップダウンが表示されてしまう問題を修正しました。
  • Fixed an issue where Model.get_by_id() returns none in dev_appserver whereas this is not allowed in production.
  • Fixed an issue with dev_appserver app_identity.get_default_version_hostname()
  • Fixed an issue with mail service sendToAdmins() failing when using multi-arg message constructor.
  • Fixed an issue with dev_appserver for mimetypes.guess_type()
  • Fixed an issue with runtime failing to use scope with OAuth under certain conditions.
  • Fixed an issue with AppConfigNotFound error.
  • Fixed an issue with static path with + in dev_appserver.
  • Fixed an issue with support for models with large numbers of properties in Admin Console Dataviewer where previously the page would fail to render.
  • Fixed an issue with Datastore viewer strftime not showing valid values before 1900.
  • Fixed an issue with multi-line string property not editing correctly in Dataviewer.
  • Fixed an issue with URLFetch mimetools.Message parsing incorrectly.
  • Fixed an issue with the behavior of Expires header in dev_appserver
  • Fixed an issue with Content-Disposition header being removed if filename contains utf-8 characters.
  • Fixed an issue with incoming Mail API where encoded headers failed to decode.
  • Fixed an issue with non-ascii text displaying incorrect values when posted by URL created by blobstore.create_upload_url()
  • Fixed an issue with using sendmail in Mail API.
  • Fixed an issue with appcfg.py cron_info giving the wrong timezone information.
  • Fixed an issue with Paging link in Datastore viewer not working with # or &
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.
  • Fixed an issue with TypeError being incorrectly raised when attachment has Character Set and Language Information.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Mail API attachments in unicode failing in_check_attachments()
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with ereporter not reporting errors when applications use namespaces.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Dataviewer GQL stripping new lines after initial run and a user paginates results.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Python Unicode prefix in Datastore viewer.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with get_serving_url for images giving non-cacheable URLs in dev_appserver.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with fancy_urllib using squid proxy server with authentication.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with custom admin page not displaying when restricted to only admins.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with dev_appserver_import_hook.py handling Crypto import accounts.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Remote API gzip compression for transmitted data.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with remote API shell not having pwd in Python Path.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Admin Console Logs < 30 minutes not being available.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Apps that are using Mail API reporting “No Provider for address type rfc822” error.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with concurrent write access to Datastore stubs.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Viewers being able to prohibit code downloads.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with billing applications that are disabled.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with deploying to an existing version when an app has 10 versions.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with bulkloader “model” class not uploading correctly.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with TextProperty in Datastore viewer.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with appcfg.py request_logs failing with ~oauth2
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with editing a bytestring field in Datastore viewer.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with dev_appserver clearing after restart. This is a Windows only bug.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with Cron schedule failing on 1st day of month.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with gzip compression for application/plist content type.
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.Fixed an issue with datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp() in python 2.7
  • Fixed an issue with rounding errors in crop image transform on dev_appserver.A note about an upcoming change: starting with the 1.7.3 release of App Engine, data statistics will report statistics on propertytype usage by indexes using the documented property type names ("Integer", "Key", etc, see https://developers.google.com/appengine/docs/python/datastore/stats) rather than the current property representation names ("INT64", "REFERENCE", etc, see http://goo.gl/db5dT). This will affect the Stat_PropertyType, Stat_PropertyType_Kind, Stat_PropertyType_PropertyName_Kind and their per-namespace equivalents. This will also affect the displayed "Breakdown by Property Type" under the "Datastore Statistics" in your application's console.

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